adoptable dogs
These are our dogs that are currently available for adoption. If you find one you think you might be interested in please contact us at 770-584-7717 to set up a meet and greet at the rescue.
He was so malnourished when he came in and he couldn't even stand up. He is thriving now! He loves everybody!! He weighs about 25 pounds and he will not get any bigger. He came in with his sister Olive, 5 years old.
He was so malnourished when he came in and he couldn't even stand up. He is thriving now! He loves everybody!! He weighs about 25 pounds and he will not get any bigger. He came in with his sister Olive, 5 years old.
She was another puppy brought in with her brother Lucky. They were found alone in the woods and starving. With some tlc they are both thriving. She is a beautiful girl and she loves people. She is about 4 years old, she has a skin problem that flares up in summer heat, one of the most faithful, loving baby ever!
She was another puppy brought in with her brother Lucky. They were found alone in the woods and starving. With some tlc they are both thriving. She is a beautiful girl and she loves people. She is about 4 years old, she has a skin problem that flares up in summer heat, one of the most faithful, loving baby ever!
He was brought in with his sister Lady. They were alone in the woods and starving as puppies. He is about 4 years old and such a love bug. loves to hog the treats.
He was brought in with his sister Lady. They were alone in the woods and starving as puppies. He is about 4 years old and such a love bug. loves to hog the treats.
I came to be at the rescue because I do not like cats. I am an owner surrender and I need a new home without kitty cats. I am about 12 years old and I am ready to find my forever home.
I came to be at the rescue because I do not like cats. I am an owner surrender and I need a new home without kitty cats. I am about 12 years old and I am ready to find my forever home.
This is our gentle giant at the rescue. He just showed up in the yard one day and his owners were never found. He is a senior and he is going blind. He is terrified of bad weather. He is good with other dogs. SADLY HE PASSED AWAY DUE TO OLD AGE, JUST DONT HAVE THE HEART TO DELETE HIS PROFILE!
This is our gentle giant at the rescue. He just showed up in the yard one day and his owners were never found. He is a senior and he is going blind. He is terrified of bad weather. He is good with other dogs. SADLY HE PASSED AWAY DUE TO OLD AGE, JUST DONT HAVE THE HEART TO DELETE HIS PROFILE!
She is such a sweet girl. She is a big girl and loves to play. She needs her own kids to play with and a big yard to run in. She is about 5 years old.
She is such a sweet girl. She is a big girl and loves to play. She needs her own kids to play with and a big yard to run in. She is about 5 years old.
She is our one eyed girl. She is a senior about 13 years old. She is a beautiful girl and she is a little shy.
She is our one eyed girl. She is a senior about 13 years old. She is a beautiful girl and she is a little shy.
He is about 13 years old. He is a sweet boy and a happy boy. He loves people.
He is about 13 years old. He is a sweet boy and a happy boy. He loves people.
Thelma and Louise
These 2 girls are a bonded pair. They must be adopted together. They are about 12 years old and they are sisters. Both are very sweet and low maintenance.
These 2 girls are a bonded pair. They must be adopted together. They are about 12 years old and they are sisters. Both are very sweet and low maintenance.
Marley no longer available.
Honey Doo
She is very friendly and loves other dogs and people. She is about 8 years old. beautiful brown color. She is a digger!
She is very friendly and loves other dogs and people. She is about 8 years old. beautiful brown color. She is a digger!
Very friendly 8year old girl. She loves other dogs and people. Can be a little bossy and food agressive!
Very friendly 8year old girl. She loves other dogs and people. Can be a little bossy and food agressive!